Our fun and slightly frantic November art game has resulted in a beautiful monster of a poster, (that is available from the store right now, just click here to get yours!) and we are super excited to be supporting the housing charity Shelter by donating the profits from sales of this collaborative creation.

Our wonderful Dreamer and Badass subscribers will be receiving a poster in their next order; because our favourite thing to do with your support (and money) is pay it forward and support others!
Patches by-
Laura Rogers @lk_rogers
Sian Cann @siancann
Ariee @arieefineart
Kyle Shim-Thomas @kyle.shim.art
N33fti @n33fti
Gold Heart @wearezanna
Henrike Alicia @lissis.art
Laura S Martinee @llmartinee
Luci Stardust @luci.stardust
Black Heart @wearezanna
Shannon Donaldson @shannondonaldsondesign
jeganmones @jegan__mones
Taya Martin @tayamartin
Papa Zanna @wearezanna
Hollie Belford @hollbart
Darkwing Fenix @darkwingfenix
Kelvin Lepley @art_by_lepley
Noll Griffin @nollprints