We have had some highs and lows this year. We started with bundles of optimism and energy and I think it is safe to say by the end of the year we had run out of both. Burnout is real folks, and we thank you for your support and patience as we have suffered through it. Christmas is always a busy time but this year it got all the way on top of us, both physically and mentally. We let things slide this past month, which was unfortunate but very necessary. We struggle sometimes with the work-life balance and have to remind ourselves that we are people and we need rest. Mental health is something that needs to be talked about more freely and without embarrassment or judgement. It has been a tough two years for everyone and we are no exception. In response to pandemic induced hardships (on top of trying to handle anxiety and burnout,) we made the tough decision that Issue Ten would be the last print issue for a while; although we are sad about this, we had to put our survival as a business (and as humans) first. We had hoped to be further along with our business from a financial standpoint but we are trying to be kind to ourselves and focus on what matters more: making creatives happy! We are going to do all we can to keep growing our wonderful creative community and offering opportunities and support to everyone that we can. We are hoping to attack this next year with the same enthusiasm as last year and achieve more for all of our artists going forward.
Even though the past month (and year) has been hard, we have had many bright spots worth celebrating. 2021 saw three gorgeous issues of Zanna Magazine hitting our digital shelves, Inside The Box, Monochrome Madness and Candyland. Many of you have shown your support by subscribing via the website as a Keeper, Hero, Dreamer or Badass (each receiving your goodies in return)! We are so grateful to know you believe in us and value what we do. This year saw the first Zanna Fridge Awards! From a shortlist of incredibly talented artists we chose the wonderful Sian Cann to go on the fridge. In reality this meant that we would bring to life her amazing book proposal (which we are still working away on and hope to have updates real soon). Working with Sian has absolutely been a highlight of the year. We had a digital exhibition to showcase shortlisted artists of the inaugural Zanna Fridge Awards (with a sprinkling of other Zanna favourites); it was such a pleasure to feature artists from around the world in one safe, accessible space. We have seen many stunning images donated to our Affordable Print Initiative over the year, supplying art lovers with accessibly priced art and artists with a little pocket money. We are proud to be continuing this initiative into the new year with the theme New Horizons.
We thank each and every one of you for your continued support of our happy little business and hope for a better and brighter 2022 for everybody!